Friday, November 6, 2009

Upcoming Motorola Droid


 Upcoming Motorola Droid
One of the most due smartphones to commence this year, the Motorola Droid has departed on occasion in the US today, the Motorola Droid.

The Motorola Droid features a 3.7 progress, 16:9 touchscreen pass with a declaration of 480 x 854, on top of that there is a 5 megapixel camera with 4x ascension, autofocus and a twofold LED lamp.

The Motorola Droid is now visible from Verizon for $199.99 which includes a $100 collection in channel, with a two assemblage bid, there are also 12 month contract procurable, and the Motorola Droid give set you position $269.99 on that decrease.

As considerably as the Motorola Droid, the new HTC Droid Eris is also acquirable from today from Verizon for $99.99.T Upcoming Motorola Droid


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