Monday, December 21, 2009

Worlds Thinnest TV - LG 2.6mm Thin TV Revealed – Worlds Thinnest

 Worlds Thinnest TV - LG 2.6mm Thin TV Revealed – Worlds Thinnest - LG have introduced their latest LCD TV that measures just 2.6mm in thickness. The TV measures 42 inches and is capable of full HD content (1080p) with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

The TV is 50% thinner than the previous LG slim model and has an LED backlight system to light the image. The TV it’s self weighs just 4KG also making it relatively light.

The LED system from what we understand in the auto translation of the press release, uses the Edge system to bring the LED’s to the edge of the screen allowing the screen on the whole to be thinner than normal. The refresh rate of the picture is at 120Hz which is not the quickest we have seen, but certainly not too shabby.

LG will have the new slim TV on show at CES that starts in a couple of weeks time in Las Vegas, so stay tuned for more details soon from the show about this TV  Worlds Thinnest TV - LG 2.6mm Thin TV Revealed – Worlds Thinnest.


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