Friday, October 9, 2009

The latest Sony BRAVIA Z5500

Sony BRAVIA Z5500The latest Sony BRAVIA Z5500

The latest Sony BRAVIA Z5500

The Sony Company launched there latest touch screen TV , this gadget named BRAVIA Z5500 the high tech one because it is consist of eco aware features. This latest BRAVIA Z5500 is a small similar to BRAVIA WE5, the BRAVIA Z5500 also consist of eco-aware features and also Ethernet port and the purpose of this is for adding applicant RSS feeds and downloading widgets. BRAVIA Z5500 has also a energy saving function switch that was unveiled with the WE5 model, check out the full press release after the jump.

BRAVIA Z5500 Features:

- powerful performance and the smoothest, sharpest BRAVIATM picture

- Motionflow 200Hz family expands

- new BRAVIATM Z5500

- television range, the Z5500,

- latest in cutting edge TV technology

- Sony’s pioneering Motionflow 200Hz

- Image Blur Reduction technology

- the new HT-CT500 Home Theatre system

- frame rate from 50 to 200 per second

- optimises video signals from any HD or SD source

- complemented by Live Colour Creation

- screen sizes (40-inch, 46-inch and 52-inch)



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