Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Philips " Rationalizer mirror of emotion"

Philips Rationalizer mirror of emotionThe Philips " Rationalizer mirror of emotion"

The Philips " Rationalizer mirror of emotion"

Did you hear some information about the latest product of the Philips Company? The Philips Company launched there latest product it called the “Rationalizer” this device is very useful because it serves as the “mirror of your emotions”.

How is it the user use this device?

The user must wear the Emobracelet on their wrist which measures the “arousal component of the user’s emotion through a galvanic skin response sensor”. This Emobracelet will make a sign to the users using the a lighted pattern to show the emotions of the user. The range is s a soft yellow, orange, or deep red.

If the color turn into soft color read it means that the users must be alert, the purpose of this signal is they should take a break before making a choice that may be mainly based on strong emotions somewhat than study.


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