Monday, September 14, 2009

The amazing Digital Passport From Western Digital

Do you have some information about the new passport? It is not an ordinary passport maybe it is a gadget digital passport. Read my article so that you can gather some information about the latest digital passport. The western digital offer their latest passport the digital passport Mac external hard drives .The size of this passport is less than 80% than the normal password. You can use a password and account name not like with an ordinary pass port this passport is very high teach.


- WD Smart Ware software is able to present consumers’ data in a control center
- favorite photos, videos and files are securely protected
- 320GB to a more respectable 1TB
- Slew of colors, Pacific Blue, Real Red, Cool Silver
- Passport Essential is plugged into your computer
- Works in tandem with military-grade 256-bit hardware
- 320GB, 500GB and 640GB capacities
- Larger storage spaces at 750GB and 1TB.
­- Price $109.99 to $249.99.


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