Tuesday, September 15, 2009

HP Envy laptops

The latest Laptop is look like similar with the other Laptop but almost of the readers said it is the best laptop for this month this laptop is look like a MacBook Pro and consist of a beautiful aluminum casing matching black keyboard and bezel. This laptop named HP Envy laptops .


- LED-backlit screens
- 13.1-inch Envy 13 model
- weighs 1.69kg
- 0.8-inches thick
- 0.04mm thicker than the MacBook Air
- Envy 15.6-inches diagonally
- faster processor
- Intel Core i7 chipset
- Cram up to 16GB of RAM
- impressive 3GB supplied
- 13-inch version
- Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86Ghz chip
- 512MB ATI Mobile
- Radio HD graphics card
- 7 hours battery life
- Audio speakers squeezed
- Prce ($1,699)


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