Monday, September 21, 2009

iTwin TC50 one way to connect two computer in easy way

The computer is always gaining a big problem using remote to connect to computer it is very painful to them. Because this process not easy because it is required two parties jumping through a bunch of hoops to works the process. The one mian process is the computer must the same software and using the various passwords.

Now here are some information to solve that problem about connecting two computer iTwin TC50 the start up launching for today. This gadget named iTwin TC50 this gadget has a capacity to remote and connect and transfers it to hardware. The two Usb part trhe one who allowed the one user to plug it in to one computer and then snap off and hand the second part to someone else with another computer in that case it will be an access in the other computer. I it’s as if there was a solid procession cable linking two computers anywhere in the world, but there is no cable, just the USB drives and the Internet. As iTwin puts it, they’re the “cable-less cable.”


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