Pentax outs K-7 14.6MP DSLR
Pentax outs K-7 14.6MP DSLR
The latest Pentax are consisting with mid-range
DSlR camera or it is known us Pentax k-7 know people in Uk are expected with this gadget. This gadget is the high tech one consist of recording video and high dynamic range (HDR) and automatic horizon correction. The Pentax is look like with the Nikon D500 however the Nikon D500 is more expensive than the latest one.
DSLR will feature:
- 4.6-megapixel sensor
- ISO 100 to ISO 6400 settings
- company’s PRIME II imaging engine
- original PRIME
- 5.2 images per second
- DSLRs, the K-7
- Live View and recording mode
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