Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The latest Hasselblad H4D

The latest Hasselblad H4DThe latest Hasselblad H4D

The latest Hasselblad H4D

The Hasselblad has launched the latest high en camera named Hasselblad H4D one of the upgraded product by the Hasselblad this Hasselblad H4D has a gigantic 60 mega pixels sensor.Hasselblad H4D it is features the 60 Megapixel medium format sensor and True Focus with APL (Absolute Position Lock). The Hasselblad H4D has an ability to Phocus in 2.0 ,its is design as a purpose of reducing and learning for high end imaging.

The latest Hasselblad H4D

According to the company who made this Hasselblad H4D :

We are proud to announce the launch of the H4D camera series, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the history of medium format DSLRs. The H4D-60, the first model in this new series, features a 60 Megapixel medium format sensor and True Focus with APL (Absolute Position Lock), making auto-focus substantially easier and more accurate for photography professionals.

Like the rest of the H System, the H4D has been specially designed to meet the most exacting demands of high-end commercial photographers who require the ultimate in both image quality and performance. Simply put, the H4D is the natural evolution of our H System and of our photographic strategy in general.


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