Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DJ AM had 9 Oxycontin in his body

The latest news for this day is all about DJ Am based on the innitial report that the Authorities have found eight undigested OxyContin pills in his stomac h and ninth in his mouth, In that case thae law inforcement tells people.

Basesd on the investegation that DJ Am swallowed powerful pain killer quickly.Its means that DJ am is really wanted to die . Now in last article now I can prove that my opinion is true because of the evedence foun in his death and that is pills and all the evidence.

The source say, powers that be who entered Goldstein’s New York apartment Aug. 28 found a Valentine’s Day card in the next room from Haley Wood. The pair had freshly split. Dated Feb. 14, 2009, the card read, “Thank God you’re in my life. I love you.” Next to the card were six or seven photos of Wood and Goldstein.


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